“Go google it…”

‘Can anyone tell me what’s the best cookie recipe?’
‘Just google it!’

It can be rude when we ask a sincere question and the only respond we got is ‘Go google it!’

But before we google, the results can be altered by businesses that have been expecting your search. (Wait, WHAT?) And we are all guilty of clicking the first few websites that are ad-free shown on the search page. It is seen as more reliable and quickest way to retrieve information. And how did these websites manage to appear on your first page? It is not by coincidence nor individual preferences. It is the combination of these tools – Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM).

Image Credit: Internetlivestas

The main objective for applying these tools is to get high-intent traffic to their website. There are many search engines but Google holds the most amount of searches. As of today, there has been 6,446,008,122 searches and still counting in a day!

Image Credit: Google

Businesses implement SEO and SEM strategies to make sure they are listed in the user’s first page. I admit, I never gone to the second page of Google Search because I felt I could get better results if I rephrased my search. Landing on the first page would mean that more people will see their websites and create greater brand awareness. Thus allowing more conversions because the website is more recognised.

So how do businesses pop up when I ‘go google it!’?

SEM Cartoon, SEO Cartoon, Digital Marketing Cartoon | Digital marketing,  Social media digital marketing, Digital marketing company
Image Credit: Soravjain.com

Search Engine Optimisation:
1) Blog, blog and blog!
It is an effective way to boost the search rank organically. Businesses can blog about relevant topics and potentially fulfil customer’s queries like ‘My cookies are too soft, how?’. This will create opportunities to climb higher in search engines.

2) Time and Effort
It it hard work to post regularly and make sure it reaches the first page. Especially for businesses that have just started and have little online presence. This method is slow but it will drive the right audience to the website through searching on search engines.

3) Building Brand Loyalty
With organic and quality content on in the website, it contains a wide range of information for the customers. This will allows customers to place more trust in the business and eventually lead to repeated conversions.

Search Engine Marketing:
1) $$$
Think of it as paying Google or any other relevant website as a platform to advertise. A few things that factor in the cost will be ad spend, number of campaigns and ad strategy. Knowing these will give a guide on the budget the business should set aside.

2) Keywords
Digital marketers are required to come up with keywords that will appear on the Ad. They have a limited number of words to capture the attention of the customers and predict what customers will search on. It is an intense competitive because similar industries would use similar words and this cost more due to bidding.

3) More leads Conversion
Although there might have been a lot of traffic to the website, it is not necessary the right customer.

These are a few ways to increase traffic flow to your website and potentially generate more sales. It is best to implement both strategies together at the same time to reap all benefits. This way the website is well optimised with good blogging content and at the same time advertised.

And finally let me end off with a funny comic that I thought was quite true!

How to Increase Social Media Engagement - Robert Catalano | Social media  humor, Social media followers, Social media engagement
Image Credit: Unearthedcomics.com

Thank you for reading, see you in my next post!

10 thoughts on ““Go google it…”

  1. Ugh I hate it when people tell me to just google things… It is so rude! As a digital marketer myself, many of your SEO and SEM information are right on point! I see you are well on your way to being a successful marketer! One question though, with every business doing the same optimization, how would you suggest a company to be different?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am glad someone feels the same way! Well, I learnt that there are different objectives when posting Facebook advertisement. Like for example, a well-established company should choose ‘Reach’ objective and a smaller company should choose ‘Post Engagement’. Another way is knowing your target audience preferred timing and social media platform, that can help optimising the ad better 🙂


  2. I think SEO is a very competitive tool as it is not easy to land on the 1st page of google and really, i also don’t go past the first page of my searches too. Great tips on SEO there!


  3. Hi Erica, great post! As someone who never had much experience with marketing, I’ve learnt a lot about the fundamental differences between SEO and SEM and how to actually get them to work effectively. 🙂


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